Member-only story
Why stories matter, and how can I find one?
When you first launch the “Medium” to write, you will see “Tell your story” blinking and staring at you.
I am always curious, why are we so drawn into stories? Why are stories so sticky? And how people can “come up” with so many of them? When we see someone eloquently telling stories, we admire them, appreciate them, and always wonder “how they did it?” and “how they got those stories?”, “is my life boring?”
You know, I was like you, lame-duck-boring-person, then after having some training and understanding the “pattern” behind that “mental chaos,” I am always wondering:
“Why I don’t have any interesting story to tell.”
That fear, I noticed, is typical among those ready to grow their communication skills, but they don’t’ know where to start?
Here is what I have learned so far and still learning (especially bringing emotions in my writings, that’s why my write-ups are so dull):
We are humans, and our life is full of events. Somewhere around in 2018, I started driving Lyft/Uber. I was in the phase of my life where I need to have some extra side-income. You need to follow some dreams, and for that, you need to go some extra miles. During that time, I collected a few interesting stories about my interactions…